December 6: Wintermarkt

Saturday, December 6, 11:00AM-4:00PM

Greg Freeman Park, 6000 Kingsbury Ave. at Des Peres Ave.

Wintermarkt is back for another exciting outdoor crafts sale in the spirit of the holiday season. This is an annual event that draws big crowds looking for unique arts & crafts at this annual, local, German-inspired Festival!


Quick Links:

The event is ideal for those looking for one-of-a-kind holiday gifts. It is a welcome alternative to the mall! Visitors can expect to find vendors selling jewelry, photographs, candles, Christmas ornaments and locally produced honey. About half the vendors are from within the neighborhood. Also, a variety of musical groups will perform from around the Skinker DeBaliviere Community.

To keep visitors warm on what could be a cold day, there will be soup, roasted chestnuts, barbeque, Glühwein (mulled wine) and hot apple cider. Classic German beer will also be provided.


Click here to download the vendor contract form.


The Skinker DeBaliviere Community Council invite YOU to participate in the annual Wintermarkt on Saturday, December 6, 2014, 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Greg Freeman Four Corners Park in the Skinker DeBaliviere neighborhood. (6000 Kingsbury Ave. at Des Peres Ave.)

We seek artists and artisans to sell their work at our annual outdoor arts and crafts fair. Past markets have featured ceramicists, candle makers, jewelry makers, glass artists, a doll maker, garden-inspired accessories, handmade purses, musicians, carriage rides and more. In keeping with the European tradition, the event will be held outdoors regardless of weather conditions. If you would be interested in participating, please register by Monday, November 24th. Artists must supply their own table and set-up. The registration is only $25.00 for adults and $10.00 for children if received by the office on or before Monday, November 24th. — late entry registration will incur a fee of $10.00. A prize  will be awarded for the booth/table presentation that best exemplifies the “Spirit of Wintermarkt”.

To register, complete the vendor contract form and submit with payment to: the SDCC office, 6008 Kingsbury Ave, St. Louis, MO 63112

For more information about Wintermarkt please contact Kelcy at, or call (314) 862-5122.

Seeking cookie experts, cake-masters, and other bakers!

One of the best parts of Wintermarkt is the food! For years, Skinker DeBaliviere residents have generously donated their baking talents for the Wintermarkt bake sale to support the neighborhood.


If you’re interested in donating a batch or two of your favorite homemade cookies, bread, muffins, etc. to be included in the fundraiser, please contact Kelcy at or (314) 862-5122. We ask to have them “serving size” wrapped and labeled with what they are including Nuts-free, Gluten-free, etc. as appropriate.

Be Part of the Magic of Wintermarkt

Wintermarkt is a great volunteer opportunity for residents looking to get more involved and meet more neighbors OR for groups of neighbors from the same block who want to volunteer together! Adults and Teens are welcome!

Wondering what kind of tasks you might take part in as a volunteer? Read on…


  1. SDCC info station volunteers: Wintermarkt is a great opportunity for residents & friends of the neighborhood to learn about our community. Volunteers at this station are available to describe the role of getting neighbors signed up for the e-mail list, and talk to residents who have questions and/or an interest in getting involved.
  2. Food station volunteers: Food station volunteers will take orders and give customers a ticket to pick up their food at the BBQ stand. BBQ, Roasted chestnuts, pretzels, soup, and more will also be for sale. A food sheriff will help direct volunteers at the food tent. Food sales serve as a fundraiser with proceeds benefiting SDCC.
  3. Beer and wine station: At this station volunteers provide two great options to neighbors: refreshing German-style beer or warm Gluhwein. Which will prove the most popular this year will depend on the weather!
If you’re interested in volunteering or learning more, contact Kelcy at or (314) 862-5122.




