Crime Data

Neighborhood Crime Data

Below you’ll find reliable crime data for Skinker DeBaliviere. We’re proud of the fact that Skinker DeBaliviere remains one of the safest neighborhoods in the City of St. Louis, thanks to a strong partnership with the City of St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, and the Washington University of St. Louis Police Department. 

crime map

Real Data, No Hyperbole

These reports offer a more accurate look at reported crime in Skinker DeBaliviere, because they break down offenses by category and compare them across the District. It’s a great way to avoid the hyperbole that generally accompanies media reports. For example, are you interested in knowing if crime in general increased or are you more concerned with violent crime?



What’s In the Report

Each report lists the crimes for that month, in total and by category.  It also provides the total number of crimes for the year, as well as a comparison to the previous year (total and for the month). In addition, you’ll find maps that show where the call of service for that crime originated. It’s important to note that a call of service does not always indicate where the crime took place. For example, if you left your car unlocked at work, drove all the way home before you realized what happened and called the police, the call of service would originate at your home address, although it may have actually occurred miles away.

Finally, you’ll find a comparison of all the neighborhoods in our District. You’ll even find some narrative that states simply where the increases and decreases in crime occurred. Again, take special note to focus not only the sum total, but also the totals in categories. This is a good way to determine if crime activity is minor or serious.

Data Sources

There are a variety of ways to get crime data. Most reports rely on “calls of service” which show how often a specific crime was called into police. Every time you call the police to report a crime, that generates a “call of service”.

In our case, the report reports calls of service during the month it is issued. If the caller was mistaken or police determine no crime or different crime was committed, it is reclassified and when you check a future report the total number of crimes in that category or month will be updated.

Crime Reclassification

There is always some lag between calls of service and published crime data. Corrections are made by responding officers and detectives working on cases. So, a crime may be reclassified or completely discounted if the call of service was proven unreliable or inaccurate. See crime definitions.

Security Committee

If you’d like to discuss or learn more about crime data or law enforcement efforts in the area, the Security Committee meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month, barring holidays or competing neighborhood events.

Support Provided

The information below is developed with the support of the Washington University Medical Center Redevelopment Corp., from a variety of public sources.




