1093863_551374588255137_1311291989_oSDCC volunteers make our neighborhood one of the best places to live in the St. Louis region!

Volunteers help out in many ways: event staffing and cooking, marketing and communications, neighborhood beautification, 1094518_551378178254778_931404386_ohelping out in the SDCC office, safety & security, serving as a block leader, serving on the SDCC board of directors, and more.  Not only is volunteering a way to enrich the place where we live, many people find meaning through volunteering for the neighborhood. It’s a great way to meet people and give back to your community!

Volunteer Opportunities

Currently SDCC is accepting applications for new volunteers in the following areas. To learn more or sign up, fill out our online volunteer interest form, email sdcc@skinker-debaliviere.com or call us at (314) 862-5122. (And, if you’re interested in something that you don’t see here, we’d still love to hear from you!)

1. Help out in the SDCC Office

You could help with tasks such as greeting visitors, answering phone calls, creating mailings, tracking volunteers, or even event planning or marketing/communications if you want! If you get in touch, we can tell you more based on your interests and availability.

Are you 55 or older? You may qualify for the AARP Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) which helps low-income job seekers get on-the-job training while earning a modest income. Contact us for details.

2. Committees

Skinker DeBaliviere activities, programs and development activity is driven by residents, property owners and business owners who sit on a variety of committees. See if one appeals to you.

3. Block Captains

Skinker DeBaliviere block captains take charge of getting communication out to their blocks. They deliver or arrange for delivery of newspapers and flyers every couple of months, create email/contact lists for their blocks, and help the Community Council stay informed about the happenings of each block. Basically, this is your chance to become a neighborhood hero! [See this page for more information.]

Resident Leads: Molly Mulcahy, Cristina McGroarty